Weldon Works, Inc
Mailing Address:
PO Box 531
Freedom, CA 95019
United States
ph: 408.251.1161
For almost 40 years, Weldon Works has been designing & producing the highest quality products. We offer custom solutions to showcase your brand and product, inform customers, and ultimately increase sales.
From concept through final design & construction our products and services speak for themselves. Most of our work is gained through excellent references and word-of-mouth, so customer satisfaction is our guarantee!
Call Us Today!
We look forward to hearing from you
Hours of Operation:
M-F 7:30 am - 5:00pm
by appointment only
Closed Sat & Sun
San Jose, CA
Watsonville, CA
CA Contractors Lic #1006956
Bonded & Insured
Copyright 2014 Weldon Works. All rights reserved.
Weldon Works, Inc
Mailing Address:
PO Box 531
Freedom, CA 95019
United States
ph: 408.251.1161